Training Services
find the perfect option for training for your pet!
Board + Train Options
One-week program $1000:
Basic obedience commands - sit, down, come, place, heel - around mild distractions
Engagement with handler around mild distractions
Work on setting new expectations to create a calmer mindset
Socialization skills
Go-home booklet
A private lesson with all of the dog’s primary owners at the end of the training
Unlimited email and phone support after training with me is completed
The best option for puppies (as young as four months) and easy-going dogs under 2 years old
No “outings” during this program
Complementary bath and blow dry before pick up
program $2000:
Basic obedience commands - sit, down, come, place, heel - around distractions
Work on eliminating bad habits or nuisance behaviors.
Engagement with handler
Socialization skills
Go-home booklet
A private lesson with all of the dog’s primary owners at the end of the training
Unlimited email and phone support after training with me is completed
As needed - remote E-collar (E-collar Technologies), Herm Sprenger prong collar, and extensive training on how to use these training tools.
The best option to sharpen up the dog’s overall manners and calmness
Complementary bath and blow dry before pick up
1. Learning new and maintaining any already known obedience commands.
2. Learning important skills and expectations to help them through everyday situations by focusing on a calm mindset.
3. Working on improving any bad habits or nuisance behaviors.
4. Engagement with the handler.
5. Unlimited email and phone support even when not in school and training with me is completed
*payment will be made at time of service via cash, check, or Venmo*
Day School $875
Basic obedience commands - sit, down, come, place, heel - around distractions.
Work on eliminating bad habits or nuisance behaviors - jumping on people, door rushing, counter surfing, leash pulling, etc.
Engagement with handler
Socialization skills
Go-home booklet
A private lesson with all of the dog’s primary owners at the end of the training
Unlimited email and phone support after training with me is completed
As needed - remote E-collar (E-collar Technologies), Herm Sprenger prong collar, and extensive training on how to use these training tools.
program $3500:
Basic obedience commands - sit, down, come, place, heel - around distractions. BOTH on and off-leash.
Ability to work through the stages of training at the dog’s pace with the longer program
The best option for more serious behavior problems - biting, phobias, resource guarding, growling, crate training, etc.
Work on eliminating bad habits or nuisance behaviors - jumping on people, door rushing, counter surfing, leash pulling, etc.
Engagement with handler
Socialization skills
Go-home booklet
A private lesson with all of the dog’s primary owners at the end of the training
Unlimited email and phone support after training with me is completed
As needed - remote E-collar (E-collar Technologies), Herm Sprenger prong collar, and extensive training on how to use these training tools.
Complementary bath and blow dry before pick up
Training Layaway Program:
For Day School and Board and Trains
A custom payment plan for families that need training for their dog, but may not be able to afford the whole cost at once.
We would set up an individualized payment plan that works for the owner
Training will be scheduled to begin when enough payments have been made to total at least 50% of the final training cost
Payments will continue to be made during training and after until the final cost has been paid in full.
Training will cease if any payments are missed during training (excluding emergencies)